View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000771Project MULTIpublic2011-02-26 22:50
ReporterLesterAssigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0000771: Several SEXPs not compatible with multi
DescriptionSome sexps not working in multi mode, appears to happen sporadically.
Additional InformationThe set-object-position SEXP not working properly in multi. It appears to work only on the hoster's ship. The mission in question is attached.

The when-argument SEXP also doesn't appear to work. Never-warp doesn't work and player-use-ai can result in some weird issues, such as the player's ship randomly being controlled by ai, even though the SEXP has been set to off.

All of the errors listed appear in the attached mission.
TagsNo tags attached.


2011-02-26 22:50


bp2-mc03.fs2 (46,870 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-02-26 22:50 Lester New Issue
2011-02-26 22:50 Lester File Added: bp2-mc03.fs2